Monday, 3 August 2015

A Basic Gulp Gotcha

Recently I have been incorporating gulp into my personal website project. For those completely unfamiliar with Gulp, it is a tool which can be used to primarily to amalgamate your css or javascript into a single file to reduce the number of web requests required to satisfy your various dependencies. Checkout this highly amusing slideshow comparing Gulp with Grunt, it also gives further detail as to why these sort of build tools are such a good idea. It is worth noting that minifying may not be necessary if utilising  HTTP/2 "server push" technology. However there are many plugins and use cases for Grunt which you may still find useful.

I configured my gulpfile.js to do just three things:
  1. Concatenate all files from a set directory into one file and put it in the build folder
  2. Minify the resulting JavasScript
  3. Rename the file, changing the extension to .min.js

Everything was working great. By simply running 'gulp app-build' from the command line I could produce a nice small file, perfect for a snappy web experience.

However, I came across some serious issues when trying to deploy the project to production. I tried adding Gulp to my Kudu deployment script like I had done to load my npm modules. I was frustrated when despite my insistent hacking (which went further into the early hours of the night than I would like to admit!) I kept getting the following error or similar:

When I came back to revisit this problem during a sensible time of day, I discovered my mistake.
This issue on Github was a particular givaway. My thanks to Matheiu Swiip. I had incorrectly assumed that gulp was a tool that I could make a part of my build.

Having spoken to a colleague about this, it turns out that you can in fact use gulp as part of the build. But any dependencies marked as "dev-dependencies" in the npm package file. So all I need to do is move the ones I need for my build into the main "dependencies" area.

I don't think that anybody doubts the reasons for minfying JS files. But in case anybody is interested, this is the difference it made to my AngularJS app:

We start with:

And after minfication:

At 938KB and 123KB we can see that AngularJS itself is the biggest file.

When finally I got gulp working properly in my production environment and I had concatenated and minified my dependencies things started looking really peachy: