Sunday, 24 July 2016

Karma Error: You need to include some adapter that implements __karma__.start method

An error message which means very little. Something has gone wrong with Karma and it is affecting mine!

It looks like some breaking changes made in Karma-Runner 1.0.0 have really screwed over all the plugin projects such as Karma-Jasmine which I very much rely upon.

The only way around it at the moment is to downgrade Karma to 0.13.22 until Karma-Jasmine is compatible with v1.x.x versions of Karma.


@dignifiedquire dignifiedquire released this on Jun 23


  • context: Our context.html and debug.html structures have changed to lean on context.js anddebug.js. This is in preparation for deeper context.js changes in #1984.
As a result, all customContextFile and customDebugFile options much update their format
to match this new format.

Hmm clear as mud huh?

Certainly I will be keeping a close eye on this issue to see when I can upgrade safely.

UPDATE: It looks as though this has been fixed - all the errors related to this were consolidated in issue 2194 and released just days after I wrote this post.