Sunday, 26 June 2016

Hitting a bug where the best fix is to update... everything


I have been working on a number of MEAN stack projects for the last year and a half. I had been moving rapidly between one project and the next, however, since December last year I have been working consistently on the same ambitious web application.

I have been so focused on delivering new features that I have not been updating my packages at all.

This finally came to a head when trying to improve my production build process.

I was trying to use the gulp-jspm plugin to allow me more control over my JSPM bundled front end JavaScript. Until now I have been using some hacky powershell to bundle my transpiled JavaScript - not the best for adding in more processes into my production build.

Starting Out

After hitting a few minor hurdles I was successfully generating a bundled file through gulp. Hwever when I loaded the application in my test of production mode locally I was getting a "System is not defined error" in the console.

After reading up on the "System is not defined error", it seems that this was fixed at the back end of last year, just when I stopped updating everything. So, time to commit what I have and then head full tilt into the world of updating third party packages...


There is a command in NPM which tells you exactly which packages are out of date:

npm outdated

This was a useful starting point to try to evaluate how many of the modules needed to be updated and how badly out of date they were. Luckily most of the most crucial babel packages for node seemed to update fine.

Unlinked and operation not permitted ??

When trying to update the JSPM modules, in particular Angular ones with numerous links to one another. I got a number of confusing "please unlink" messages. It seems that this is JSPM's way of moaning about version inter dependencies. The way through this seems to be to remove the main files like Angular and reinstall which sucks, but got me through to the next set of errors.

After a while I was getting a serious blocker in the form of:

Error: EPERM, operation not permitted

I found a number of more recent posts suggesting to readers that they should use the NodeJS console with administrator permissions. I did try this but sadly the end result was no different to using ConEmu in administrator mode.

I then checked the NodeJS version and noticed that it was somewhat out of date @4.2.2 when the current version of NodeJS stable is @4.4.3. The clue here was again from some historic NodeJS GitHub issues. After updating NodeJS JSPM and NPM package managers started working without me having to manually uninstall and reinstall packages.

I finally got to the end of this mammoth updating spree. I run Gulp to build my JSPM build file which was where I was getting the "System is not defined error". The same problem remains. It turns out that the only issue was me misunderstanding the "self executing file" concept in JSPM.

There are three options with JSPM. Either you can generate a self executing file which includes everything that your program needs, including System.js and a "micro-loader". You can create a bundle which must be called by your html - and therefore you must make the node_modules location available. The third option is a full HTTP2 SPDY implementation which seems overkill for me at this moment in time.

The solution was to change the following in my Gulpfile to generate the self executing version:

gulp.task("default", function() {
        .pipe(gulp_jspm({verbose: false, selfExecutingBundle: true}))
I have to be philosophical I guess, this blog post might well have the same outcome in my mind as the EU referendum but its a good lesson in why it is important to keep software dependencies up to date, it can lead to a lack of confidence which ends up wasting time.

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