Once down this road I then decided it would be good to turn it into a mini project to find out more about yarn and webpack, as these compliment the React world and are the shiny new toys in front-end web development.
This first blog in the series is about the setup.
Notes on Yarn and WebPack
I have heard that Yarn is better than NPM as a package manager, it is faster and more reliable. Webpack is more complex/flexible than Grunt or Gulp as a builder tool but, like my personal favourite JSPM (through systemJS) it is an excellent JavaScript module loader out of the box. Webpack is much more popular than JSPM within the React community.
Back to Tick-Tac-Toe
So I used npm to install yarn, ran yarn init and then used it to bring down my dependencies React and React DOM. I was pleased to find that there is no difference in where the modules are stored - it is still in a folder called "node_modules". I was also aware that I needed to "transpile" the ES2015 React code into ES5 so I installed babel using the "webpack" option on the babel installation page.
npm install --save-dev babel-loader babel-core
Notice that this is based on npm, but this was no problem, you can just replace "npm install" with "yarn add" and the command "--save-dev" with "-D". This was all easy to find here.Using Webpack to transpile ES2015 back down to ES5
After some research I have found that the best way to use Webpack with babel, karma and react is to use the following packages:
With this setup I was able to setup a simple "hello world" example. I will get into more detail with my next post.
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