Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Azure Functions with TypeScript

Things to know about using TypeScript with Azure functions:

  1. Make sure that you have node installed using the latest LTS version (Long Term Support). If you need the latest version for other projects try using nvm-windows to manage multiple versions of Node. Install the latest version of nvm using the zip file in assets of the latest release. nvm list and then nvm use. Also nvm install v 64/32bit is pretty nifty.
  2. To run Azure functions manually (particularly useful for timers etc.. anything that is not an Http Trigger). http://localhost:<port>/admin/functions/<FunctionName>. Also for CRON timings see this cheatsheet.
  3. Azure Functions in TypeScript still use CommonJS modules, so while you can use imports and exports in your code the transpiled JS will be using Node style modules. Bear this in mind if you are expecting to be able to use any of your own libraries that compile to anything other than CommonJS. Check your TSConfig.
So is TypeScript support any good? So far it seems good, the only problems are with my own libraries. I have also noticed that you cannot use fat-arrows for Azure Index functions (for those not so familiar - the entry point called by Azure infrastructure).

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